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This blog is about reconnecting to nature and her cycles.  

From an adventure in Seaside, OR

We have become disconnected in our modern world.  We don't know where our food comes from.  We take pills for every ailment.  We slather our skin in chemicals in the name of beauty.  We spend a majority of our days in front of screens.

What was once common knowledge is being lost: how to grow food, garden by the moon, preserve the harvest, compost, create medicines with herbs, collect and clean rainwater, create our own beauty recipes, survive in the wild, and so on.

This blog is about re-learning and passing on this knowledge before it is lost for good.  

Finding peace on the water

When we live in harmony with nature, life becomes easier.  We slip into nature's rhythms like a hand into an old glove.  Suddenly life becomes simpler, more joyful, and we begin to feel younger and stronger.

It feels good to connect to our food.  It feels good to get dirty in the garden.  It feels good to climb trees in the forest.  It feels good to play and call it exercise.  It feels good to eat fresh, sweet, juicy nature foods.  It feels good to walk out to the garden for minor health issues.  It feels good to put food on your face.

It's true freedom.

We learn more about life and ourselves out in nature than anywhere else.  When we stop and observe, when we stop to listen to the quiet voice within, we find wisdom and peace.

I strive to live as close to nature as possible in this modern world.  It has become a project of mine to re-learn the old ways and incorporate them back into my life.  This is my Nature Life Project.


Monica Rakowski owned an indoor garden shop for 5 1/2 years before she sold the business and bought property with her long-time honey, Owen.  Together they are creating a self-sustainable, self-sufficient homestead on 7 acres with their three pit bulls Marley, Lola and Thor.  Monica is passionate about gardening, sustainable living, and holistic health.  She writes about these topics on this blog and in freelance articles for magazines such as Maximum Yield and Hydrolife.

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